====Format Number==== Formats a number in a specific way given the format string. Similar to the format() command. ===Usage:=== **format number** (number, the number that gets formatted) **format** (text, the format string, see below) ===format string spec:=== | # | Placeholder that displays the digit from the value if it is present. If fewer placeholder characters are used than in the passed number, then the result is rounded.| | 0 | Placeholder that displays the digit from the value if it is present. If no digit is present, 0 (Zero) is displayed in it’s place. (say you wanted a month that was always zero padded then you’d pass the month number with a format string of “00”)| | . | Placeholder for the position of the decimal point.| | , | Placeholder that indicates the number should be formatted with thousands separators.| | % | displays the number multiplied by 100.| | ( | displays an open paren.| | ) | displays a closed paren.| | + | displays the plus sign to the left of the number if the number is positive or the minus sign if negative.| | - | displays the minus sign to the left of the number if the number is negative, makes no change if the number is positive.| | E or e | displays the number in scientific notation.| | \character | displays the character that follows the backslash.| additionally the string may contain 3 formats separated by semicolons to be used when the number is positive, negative or zero. ===Examples:=== ^Format^Number^Formatted String^ |#.##|1.786|1.79| |#.0000|1.3|1.3000| |0000|5|0005| |#%|0.25|25%| |###,###.##|145678.5|145,678.5| |#.##e|145678.5|1.46e+5| |-#.##|-3.7|-3.7| |+#.##|3.7|+3.7| |#.##;(#.##);/z/e/r/o|3.7|3.7| |#.##;(#.##);/z/e/r/o|-3.7|(3.7)| |#.##;(#.##);/z/e/r/o|0|zero|