====Create Event==== This verb creates a new scheduled event with the explicit start time and repeat period. You can turn on/off, dim or toggle a unit, execute a script or speak a phrase. You can even randomize the event and choose the weekdays. ===Usage:=== * **create event** (event name, or blank and XTension will create one for you)\\ * **that** (command: turnson/turnsoff/toggles/executes/dims/presets/blocks/unblocks)\\ * **unit|script** (name of the unit or the script to act upon)\\ ===Optional Parameters:=== * **to level** (integer, the value for the chosen command)\\ * **in** (seconds till the start time)\\ * **starts at** (AppleScript date at which to start the event)\\ * **repeats every** (integer value in seconds)\\ * **randomize by** (integer, minutes by which to randomize the repeat interval)\\ * **with no script** (perform the action, but dont run the unit scripts)\\ * **weekdays** (7 character string in the form of "-MTWTF-" use dashes for days not to execute)\\ * **handler** (string, name of the handler) If executing a script you can optionally specify the handler to call rather than just running the script. This value is ignored unless the event is to execute a script.\\ * **parameter** A list of items to be optionally passed to the handler. Only valid if you are executing a handler in the script. The number of parameters in the list must be the same as expected by the handler. ===Examples:=== create event "Morning Coffee" that turnson unit "Coffee Pot" starts at (date) repeats every 1 * days weekdays "-MTWTF-" create event "Evening Tea" that turnson unit "tea pot" starts at ((sunset for the (current date)) - 20 * minutes) weekdays "-MTWTF-" create event "nightly" that executes script "going to bed" in 15 * minutes ==Passing Parameters To A Handler Example== if you had a global script named “meal manager” with a handler named “mealLogger” like this: on mealLogger( theName, theEvent) write log theName & “ has had “ & theMeal end doThing and then created an event such as this: create event “breakfast” that executes script “meal manager” handler “mealLogger" parameter {“Jamie”, “Breakfast”} in 10 * minutes in 10 minutes you would see output in the log like: jamie has had breakfast ===History:=== The optional “handler” parameter was added in XTension 9.4.21